Bethany Walker

Bethany Walker is an exciting emerging Mixed Media Artist best known for her ‘signature’ combination of materials – cement and textiles.This dynamic contrast of materials create beautiful and captivating pieces which possess immense tactile qualities. Bethany has developed her individual hand techniques, meaning each piece is individual and creates intrigue with its integral shape, colour and relief.


My work revisits everyday elements from the built environment, things we all observe daily but often overlook. The work aims to celebrate the mundane qualities of those things which are commonly seen as dull and insignificant, thereby heightening a sense of awareness and renewed appreciation. I use a combination of concrete and textile knit, stitch and print methods to translate the contrast between the natural and industrial elements of our built environment.

e current food poverty crisis, charity based organisations have to provide such services in venues that are readily available, for people who are in a financial struggle.

The piece of work refers to the alienation and isolation that visitors to such services may feel within society, as a result of the negative representation from a percentage of British media sources. 


National Biennale: WEYA 2012

Applied ArtsGuest UserB