Bethany Kane

Concentrating on the lives people lead, Bethany aims to reveal their narrative through photography by highlighting details within a particular environment.

Bethany’s practice derives from the knowledge and understanding she gains through her own personal experience and particular interests. Hidden Hungerwas first approached whilst Bethany was working at a local free food distribution service, which directly influenced the work.

Recently graduating from the University of Derby with a 1st class degree in Fine Art Photography, Bethany is currently working with Eastside Projects in Birmingham and Wolverhampton Art Gallery. She has previously exhibited in Derby, Cologne, Blackpool, London and Birmingham.


Hidden Hunger shows the environments that are used by food banks and free food distribution services. Due to the government’s lack of support and refusal to recognize the current food poverty crisis, charity based organisations have to provide such services in venues that are readily available, for people who are in a financial struggle.

The piece of work refers to the alienation and isolation that visitors to such services may feel within society, as a result of the negative representation from a percentage of British media sources. 


National Biennale: Leicester 2014

Visual ArtsGuest UserB