Leicester City Takeover 2021: Postponed
Due to the ongoing government Covid-19 restrictions, UK New Artists (UKNA) regrets to announce that we will be unable to deliver the City Takeover in Leicester, 26-28 February 2021, as ensuring that the safety of our artists, partners and audiences is our main priority.
Together with the UKNA Board and our partners in Leicester, we are looking at alternative ways and dates to deliver this event as well as offering continued opportunities for artists and audiences over the next year. We remain committed to the selected artists for the Leicester City Takeover and to ensuring Leicester gets to host and enjoy their work. Our ‘Artist of the Day’ series on Instagram will continue, introducing and celebrating the selected artists.
UK New Artists would like to thank all of our partners in Leicester for their support, understanding and hard work in putting the City Takeover together with our team. We look forward to continuing on this journey with you; celebrating and supporting new artists and bringing incredible experiences to audiences to the city.
However, we are delighted to share that the No Jobs In The Arts Fringe Festival will still take place on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th February 2021, in partnership with UKNA and supported by Arts Council England. The Fringe is a digital festival focused on ‘collaboration’ in the arts. No Jobs In The Arts has lined up a variety of free talks, workshops, and creative events, aimed at and delivered by early-career creatives.
Keep your eyes peeled on UKNA’s website and socials for the full lineup and booking in the coming weeks.