Trivial Pursuit (2021)

Trivial Pursuit (2021)


Kieran Leach             

Fibreglass, body filler, foam, spray paint, tyres, artificial orchids, fluorescent liquid                           

Sculpture 200cm x 110 x 55cm - 45kg         

Trivial Pursuit (2021) explores paradoxical notions of growth, transition, and aspiration. Its almost fetishised appearance alludes to the appeal of external accomplishments, often misleadingly perceived as the "greener grass" elsewhere. The stagnant nature of the work contradicts the idea of a fulfilled fast-paced lifestyle. Conversely, the transitional colours and orchid emerging from the motorbike's front speak to processes of inner growth through stillness and introspection. Paradoxically in his piece The First Ball (2020), the idea of being first isn't always the best thing.                   

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