UKYA City Takeover: Nottingham 2019
250 Artists
25 Countries
100 Events
7 Days
From 7-13 February 2019, 250 artists from all over the UK, Europe, South Korea and China brought their work to Nottingham for what was truly an unforgettable week. Presenting performance in the streets; poetry on the bus; gigs across the city; exhibitions in disused spaces; interventions in cultural venues and so much more.
UKYA City Takeover gave visitors the chance to attend over 120 free exhibitions, performances, workshops and talks; it provided a unique opportunity to tour the city of Nottingham, discovering and experiencing contemporary arts and culture from all over the world.
Check out highlights from the City Takeover in the film (above) and image gallery (below).
photograph by Sarah Woolf

Launch Party by Reece Straw

What is Written by Reece Straw

Launch Party by Reece Straw

38 Carrington St by Reece Straw

Launch Party by Reece Straw

Haley Craw by Reece Straw

photograph by Reece Straw

photograph by Reece Straw

photograph by Reece Straw

Backlit by Reece Straw

photograph by Reece Straw

The Terrace by Reece Straw

The Terrace by Reece Straw

City Arts by Reece Straw

One Thoresby Street by Reece Straw

photograph by Matt Cawrey

Surface Gallery by Reece Straw

Surface Gallery by Reece Straw

118 Upper Parliament St by Reece Straw

118 Upper Parliament St by Reece Straw

photograph by Matt Cawrey

photograph by Matt Cawrey

photograph by Matt Cawrey

photograph by Matt Cawrey

photograph by Matt Cawrey

photograph by Matt Cawrey

photograph by Matt Cawrey

photograph by Matt Cawrey

photograph by Fabrice Gagos

photograph by Fabrice Gagos

photograph by Fabrice Gagos

photograph by Fabrice Gagos

photograph by Fabrice Gagos

photograph by Fabrice Gagos

photograph by Fabrice Gagos

photograph by Fabrice Gagos

photograph by Paloma Zhu

photograph by Fabrice Gagos

photograph by Sarah Woolf

photograph by Mel Malkin
photograph by Sarah Woolf

photograph by Sarah Woolf

photograph by Paloma Zhu

photograph by Paloma Zhu

photograph by Ziqi Bai

photograph by Ziqi Bai

photograph by Ziqi Bai

photograph by Inna Schutts

photograph by Inna Schutts