Sophie Louise Hyde

Sophie is an emerging poet and has recently completed her part-creative PhD at Loughborough University. Her research deploys digital and verbatim techniques in poetry in order to create a ground-breaking body of work that explores the 2011 riots in Birmingham through an innovative medium. Explicitly, a series of poetic narratives transforms the voice(s) of individuals and communities who were, for one reason or another, under-represented in the media coverage of these events.

A number of Sophie’s poems have been selected for publication with the latest, ‘The Commute’, being published by Ink, Sweat and Tears in August.


‘This isn’t about Mark, it never was.’

On Thursday 4th August 2011, Mark Duggan was shot by a police officer in the London borough of Tottenham. Protests within the capital captured the attention of millions as they caught sight of the rioting and violence as it broke on the evening news. Before long, the unrest had spread: Birmingham saw damage to businesses and a tragic hit-and-run resulted in the deaths of three young men.

United We Stand is a series of poetic narratives that explores shape, challenges notions of place and transforms voice(s). From press coverage and interview, to anger in ‘Police Action from a Smartphone’, United We Stand unearths the true experiences of being in Birmingham during the events.


National Biennale: Derby 2016

Visual ArtsGuest UserS