Amber Drew Sparrey

Amber Drew Sparrey is a filmmaker based in Worcester, UK. Her practice explores femininity, gender and identity in the digital age. She does this through the construction of her alter ego, ‘Ambie Drew’ who manipulates herself through the use of beauty tools and products to play on an amplified, kitsch femininity. Using large, multi-screen installation she captures the grotesque nature of beauty. She graduated from the University of Worcester in 2018 with a First Class Honours in BA (hons) Fine Art. Recent exhibitions include The Garage Studios where she won The Boffy Award for ‘Best Student in an Arts Subject’.

Eternal Beauty, Internal Hate

‘Eternal Beauty, Internal Hate’ is a large, multi-channel film installation that explores the repetitive cycle of women’s never-ending beauty rituals for perfection I explore this through tightly cropped frames using beauty products and objects to capture the visceral and grotesque nature of feminine rituals. The more Ambie Drew tries to become externally beautiful and desirable through women's beauty ideals, the more she has become loathing, objectifying and critical of herself. There are moments when she enjoys beauty; when she gets a new lipstick or wig. But she stares at herself until she hates it.  And then the process starts again. Using the products that supposedly grant us eternal youth and a beautiful face, I ask, do we really need femininity in order to survive? Why do these objects and abusive regimes dictate our lives?


UKYA City Takeover: Nottingham 2019

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