Charley Genever

Charley Genever is best known as Peterborough Poet Laureate 2016. At 24, she is the youngest poet to have been awarded the title, and so far she has worked with and performed for Verve Poetry Festival, Cambridge Junction, Apples and Snakes, The Poetry Society and Southbank Centre. In April 2016 she performed in the Elgar Room of the Royal Albert Hall at the finals of Poetry Rivals 2015. Now 25 and living and working from Peterborough, she's a team captain at 'Write Club' alongside Mark Grist, and produces quarterly spoken word night ‘Freak Speak’, which has been featured on Picador's Books list of 'Best UK Spoken Word Nights'. Her first collection, 'Unsexed', is due to be realised in May 2017 (BX3).
Twitter @charleyfarleyha

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