Alice Cunningham

Alice Cunningham was born in London and grew up in the West Country. One of ten children from a disparate but close family. The idea of difference and contrast is integral to Cunningham’s work. Utilising opposing aesthetics and ideas, a powerful and often surreal visual is created.

Travel has informed Cunningham’s practice immensely having worked with artists in Mexico, Africa and on both small and large-scale projects around the UK. Cunningham was made an Associate Royal British Sculptor last year. Currently living and working in London, after recently returning from a residency in Spain, awarded by the Leonardo da Vinci trust.


This installation is made up of two parts; A collection of 20 cubes made from complete business suits alongside a pre-recorded performance. The recorded performance shows the naked artist struggling to use the cubes as building blocks to make a series of different structures . The artist creates a surreal aesthetic, provoking ideas of the working world, its structures and an individuals place within that. The installation was originally commissioned for an exhibition in London entitled "Second Skin" which explored notions of identity, clothing and bodies. You can watch an edited clip of the video performance at


National Biennale: Derby 2010

Visual ArtsGuest UserA